Service restrictions as of 16/12


Update 07/01/2025: The migration to the new system has been completed.

The new library accounts are accessible. To access the account for the first time, please click on My account"; switch to English and use the "forgot password"- link.
If you do not immediately receive an email with the link to set a new password, you have the following options:

  • The reply mail has gone to your spam folder. In this case, please move the mail to your inbox before using the login link.
  • The capacity of your mail account is maxed out so that you will no longer receive new mails. Please restore the capacity of your mail account.
  • The address you entered in our lending system is no longer valid. Please contact our circulation desk (tel. 0421 218 59500).
  • You have not used your library account for over a year, so we have cancelled your account for data protection reasons. In this case, you will need to register again.
  • Your browser cache has stored your old password. Clear the browser cache.

The self-checkouts are not yet operational.



We are replacing our library IT-system: As of  Monday, the 16/12 borrowing and returning of items will no longer be available until the end of the year. Please check here regularly for possible updates.

Deutsche Version hier...

After introducing a new acquisition software in January, we are now replacing our lending software. This replacement is a very complex process. From mid-December, there will be significant restrictions regarding the use of our printed collections.

Once the system change has been successfully completed, unrestricted use should be possible again as of 02/01/2025.

Please also note that all sites will be closed from 23/12 to 01/01. Please refer here for information about the actual opening hours.

➤ Lending

No items can be taken out on loan as of 16/12.

➤ Returns

Borrowed items can be returned between 16/12 and 20/12. The library staff will not be able to check items back in before 02/01 at the earliest. Return receipts cannot be issued. As no reminders are issued during this period, no costs are incurred if the loan period is exceeded. We ask that borrowed items are not returned until after the turn of the year. Our return boxes will remain locked from 21/12 to 02/01.

➤ Reminders

From 11/12 to 12/01 there are no due fees, regardless of the end of the loan period.

➤ Library cards

New library cards cannot be issued as of 16/12. It won't be possible to renew library cards.

➤ Reservations

As of 09/12, reserves cannot be placed on borrowed media.

➤ Renewals

Renewals are not possible as of 16/12.

➤ Interlibrary loan

As of 16/12, books ordered via interlibrary loan can only be used on site (reading, copying, scans). We will inform you by email about the terms of use.

➤ Orders from our closed stacks collection

It is still possible to order items from the closed stacks. These items can be used on site but not taken out on loan.

➤ Catalogue search

Catalogue searches will be possible 24/7. The information on the availability of printed holdings will only be updated after 02/01.

➤ Digital resources

Our digital collections will not be affected. You will be able to access all digital resources 24/7.


Noch kein Kommentar vorhanden.
Kommentar schreiben

Die Datenschutzerklärung habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen und bin damit einverstanden, dass die von mir angegebenen Daten elektronisch erhoben und gespeichert werden. Meine Daten werden dabei nur streng zweckgebunden zur Bearbeitung und Beantwortung meiner Anfrage benutzt. Mit dem Absenden des Kontaktformulars erkläre ich mich mit der Verarbeitung einverstanden.


Tel: (0421) 218 59500
Bibliothekstraße 9
28359 Bremen
Mo - Fr 8 - 22 Uhr
Sa 10 - 20 Uhr
So 10 - 18 Uhr (als Lernraum, keine Services)
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