Catalogs and collections

Alter systematischer Katalog

This page provides an overview of the major catalogs and resources available in Bremen and through our website.

Our search engine

Access 130 million print and electronic items held by the library

Our search engine

Regional catalog

Search the holdings of 18 libraries in Bremen and Bremerhaven

Regional catalog

GBV Union Catalogue (GVK)

Catalogue of the Common Library Network (GBV) incl. interlibrary lending services

GBV Union Catalogue (GVK)


The KVK is a meta-catalog that allows you to search across library and publishing catalogs worldwide. Over 500 million titles are available via this catalog.


Web of Science

An interdisciplinary database for articles on technology and natural science (only accessible on campus in Bremen)

Web of Science / Web of Knowledge

Other specialized databases

Search for articles related to specific subject areas ...

Bibliographic databases

Digital collections

.. a selection of digitized holdings of academic and historical interest

Digital collections

Historical maps

3800 digitized historical maps from around the world

Historical maps
Opening hours
Bibliothekstraße 9
28359 Bremen

Temporary opening hours:

Sun 12/01 - Sun 23/02:
On Sundays 10am - 8pm (learning space only, no services)
Mon - Fri 8am - 10pm
Sat 10am - 8pm
Sun 10am - 6pm (learning space only, no services)

Recommend a new book

If we don't have the book you're looking for, you can always recommend the title for purchase!

Contact us


Tel: (0421) 218 59500